Tera Fix

Tera Fix

Single Pack Solvent Based Coat Paint For Terraces

Available in:
  • 4LTS
  • 10LTS
  • 20LTS
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Water Resistant Icon

Water Resistant

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UV Resistance

Ensure that the surface to be coated is clean and free from oil, grease ,dirt and other contamination

Clean thoroughly using a wire brush and then scuff the surface using#SandPaper 80. Ensure that no loose particles are sticking to the surface to be coated

Freshly plastered surface must be allowed to cure completely. The coating process can be started after a minimum period of 30 days

Do not apply if the surface is damp or when the humidity high

Completely remove existing coating, if any to ensure direct adhesion of TeraFix to the surface

Damaged surface should be rectified before applicationof TeraFix

Mix the base thoroughly prior to application.

Ensure that the surface to be coated is clean and free from oil, grease , dirt and other contamination

Clean thoroughly using a wire brush and then scuff the surface using # Sandpaper 80. Ensure that no loose particles are sticking to the surface to be coated.

Apply one of TERAFIX for regular terrace surfaces . For uneven / highly porous surfaces apply 2 coats of TERAFIX with an interval of 6 – 8 hours between each coat. Sanding of the first coat shall be done using # 220 Sandpaper.

Apply 2 coats of Aquafresh Cool with an interval of 4 to 5 hours between subsequent coats after subjecting TERAFIX to sanding using # 220 Sandpaper.

After completion, allow curing for a minimum period of 72 hrs

Brush or Roller

  • Thinner Recommended – 555 Thinner 
Thinner Intake 5% 

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